Journal Prompts For the Year!

I love to have my students write daily.  Writer’s workshop is one way to encourage authentic writing, but I always have those “I don’t know what to write about” students.  Using journal writing prompts can help alleviate the frustration of no-topic frustrations.  There are two ways I try to incorporate journal prompts for the year with my class.

journal with hand writing

Cut-Apart Writing Prompts

One way to use these prompts are as cut-apart strips.  I provide students with a paper that includes five journal prompts.  They cut the journal prompt out and glue it into their notebook and write away!  This process gives them cutting, gluing, and writing practice.

notebook with writing prompts
paper with a writing prompt

Talking Prompts

This year I laminated each month of prompts and put them onto a binder ring.  During morning meetings or just when we have a few minutes to spare, I read a prompt.  Since these prompts are open-ended questions, students are encouraged to answer with more than a yes or no answer.  It’s a great way to practice answering in a complete sentence.  My students have really enjoyed using them this way!

TB journal prompts on rings2 scaled
TB journal prompts on rings

At the end of the school year, I give students a set of summer writing prompts with a brand new spiral-bound notebook. They love it!

If you are interested in these journal prompts, find them in my TPT store or below.

Journal Writing Prompts

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