A Close Read of Rain Forest Animals
Yesterday was one of those teaching days, where I wanted to jump for joy and yell hallelujah! My kids showed their stuff.
We had been working on some close read activities as a class for a week. Well, this week I partnered them up and they were to work with their partner to read about a rainforest animal and become an “expert” on it. They had to find information from the passage they read and fill in their research paper. They were so excited!
The best part was watching them go through the passage and make their close read marks, even though I did not ask them to or even remind them of it.
After they completed their research, they had to make a poster about their animal. I had criteria that had to be on their poster. They are going to teach others about their animal using their poster later this week.
I have compiled my rain forest animal reading passages into a pack if you are interested. Click below to learn more.