Let’s Write About It- part 1

Happy Sunday friends!  It is my last Sunday of summer, my kids start on Wednesday.  I have been working in may class most of last week, but still trying to squeeze in some summer fun with my kid.  So let’s talk writing.  Do you use the writer’s workshop model?  Another model?  We are beginning the writer’s workshop model at our school this year.  

I had used it at my old school, but it has been a while.  I am looking forward to it because I love writing at this age.  Here is my writing wall (as of right now).


I hung samples up of each item, but when I start the year I will take them down and model how to do each item.  I will also model how to use any tools that go along with it.  For example, here is a close up of list writing.


I start out with printed lined paper, but later in the year I switch to just lines.  I try to transition them out of the lined paper as the fine motor skills develop more.  I also have a ring of list ideas with pictures to help generate ideas for lists.

Another area of my writing center is the poetry center.  It wouldn’t fit on this little areas, so I have it near the ground which is more accessible to my littles.  In my poetry area, I have poetry books, nursery rhymes, rhyming cards and a binder of poems we have read in class.  On the poetry paper, they can either write their own poem or they can practice their handwriting and copy one.


I’m excited to get started with writing this year.  My writing center never got put together last year because of moving classroom and surgery, so I am on it this year!  I will be back soon with part 2, setting up writing folders and the idea part of the writing center.

If you are interested in the Writing Center – Just the Basics kit, click below.

writing center just the basics


That’s it for part 1.  For the second part 2, click below.

Let’s Write About It, Part 2


  1. Hi, I love your new writing center! I love the clean look and will be perfect with the cards I have from you already and love the nursery rhyme cards in your shop! Are you planning on making any more poetry cards ? Can't wait for your next post 🙂 ! Chris

  2. Hi Chris, thanks for stopping by! More poetry cards are on my list of things to do. I just can't give a timelime. After the craziness of back-to-school, I hopefully can start tackling my to-do list!

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