Using Alphabet Books in the Classroom
Alphabet books are such a fun tool to use in the classroom. When we think of alphabet books it’s easy to associate that with preschool and learning the alphabet. And yes, they are great for that! But, there are other fun activities you can do with them. Check out some of the favorites we have on our bookshelf.
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Our Favorite Alphabet Books
We have many alphabet book titles in our classroom library. Here are some of our favorites.
Alphabet Mystery
Alphabet Mystery by Audrey Wood is a fun book for young students who are learning the alphabet. In this book, students have to figure out what letter is missing. Once they discover which letter is missing, they learn why it is an important letter in the alphabet.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. is always a fun book for the beginning of the year. If you are learning about the alphabet this is a must read. When we read this book, we practice matching uppercase and lowercase letters. We also take the opportunity to incorporate science by using our senses to explore coconuts.
I Stink!
The book I Stink! by Kate and Jim McMullan will have your students doing belly laughs on the floor. This book is more of a story about the life of a garbage truck but has a part in the book when the garbage truck tells what he eats, alphabet style. It is gross and hilarious, the perfect combination for young readers.
A My Name is Alice…
The book A My Name is Alice but Jane Bayer is a great book for the beginning of the year when your students are learning the names of their classmates. One of the activities we do with this story is make a class book.

Each student makes their own _______ my name is ______________ page. Each student writes the first letter of their name, and their name. Next, they write one thing they like that starts with the same first letter of their name. You can grab the template for this book here.
Additional ABC Book Favorites
Here is a list of a few more alphabet book favorites we love to read in our classroom. What are some of your favorite alphabet books?
- Eating the Alphabet
- Shiver Me Letters: A Pirate ABC Book
- Alphaoops! The Day Z Went First
- T is for Turbo: ABC Book
What are some of your favorite alphabet books you use in your classroom?

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