Saving Ink and Paper

Hi friends!  Do you ever ask yourself, “Why do I go through so much ink?”  I did, and then I discovered the simple task of printing “multiple pages” to one page.  You may already know this strategy, but just in case you don’t, here you go.

Saving Ink and Paper

Now before I begin, I need to let you know that your printer may be slightly different, but all of the printers that I have come across are similar.

First, decide what you want printed smaller.  Many items from TPT or other places can be printed smaller to save space.  I have some sound posters that I hang in my guided reading area for my kids to refer to if they need them.  I usually have 3-4 letter sized posters hanging up.  But I often find that I need to review older sounds with some of my kids.  So I printed my sound posters four to a page.  This is the size comparison:

sound cards

So, how do you do this?  Easy peasy!  Open up your document and chose the pages you would like to print.  Next look for an area on the print setup that relates to page sizing.  There should be a multiple button to click.  Once you click on that, you can usually choose how many pages your would like to print on one page.  I usually do 2 or 4 to a page, depending on the activity.  For my sound posters, I did four to a page.

 printing multiple to a page

 Once I printed them out, I sorted them into sound groups, put them on a binder ring and then hang them up near my guided reading table.  They come in handy every single day!

sound card organization

 I hope this helps you to save some ink and paper!  The sound posters came from:

Sound Posters

Basic Alphabet Sound Posters cover

I hope tip can be useful for you!



  1. I was having the same issue! My ink cartridges just disappeared into thin air, not to mention the paper, the laminating sleeves, and it goes on and on and on…. and I decided to do the same thing you did! Multiple pages! We don't always need A4 posters, we can manage with smaller ones and our wallet is going to thank us for it!

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