Baseball Math Centers
I am always looking for ways to engage my students, and anything sports-related seems to work. When opening day rolls around for baseball, I pull out our baseball math centers for my students.
Fact Families
Fact families are a great way to practice addition and subtraction fluency with your students. We are always talking about number relationships and this center provides a fun way to practice.
Baseball Concessions
Baseball Concessions is a math center that has your students counting coins.
Baseball Measurement
Baseball measurement is a nonstandard measurement math center. Students use a baseball ruler to measure various baseball items. You can also add real items if you wish!
Missing Numbers
The baseball missing numbers centers give students practice with number sense. They need to determine what number is 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and 10 less of a given number.
Baseball Logic
The baseball logic center is a favorite with my students. They need to read each line-up card to determine the batting line-up of the players. There are baseball player cut-outs to move around so they can figure out each line-up.
Baseball Place Value
This baseball place value center has students matching numbers with tens and ones, and their expanded form.
Baseball, Find, Tally, Graph & Solve
Other favorite math activities are find, tally, and Graph activities. Students use a collage of baseball pictures and count them up. After counting, they can graph their results. They can also tally and solve equations. And for a challenge, they can make your own equations for a friend.
Learn more about these baseball math centers below.
There is an overview of the baseball math centers we use during the baseball season. These math activities are always engaging and provide a review of tricky math concepts. If you are looking for baseball-themed books, be sure to read this post.
Love this unit! Extremely engaging and such great content. Where did you get the dice pictured with the roll and cover activity?
Thanks for the sweet comment. I got these dice from Amazon, search photo blocks and they should pop up.
Looking amazing honey, well done!!
My Blog: SoftballArena