Post Office

Froggy Mail is in full working order this week.  We are a k-8 school and during testing our little first graders run a school wide post office.  It is such a fun community activity.  Kids in all grades write letters to friends, big/little buddies, brothers/sisters and staff.  Mail is dropped into our Froggy mailbox (it is taken out of storage for this two week project).

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The Postmasters (a.k.a. the first grade teachers) empty this daily so the postal workers (first graders) can process this mail.  The first graders rotate through the jobs so they each have the opportunity to do the all of the jobs.  The Froggy mail jobs are Facer, Nixie Clerk, Sorter and Delivery person.
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Mail that has been processed and sorted…ready for delivery.

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We were fortunate to have some postal boxes and old postal shirts donated, so our mailkids can take their job seriously.  

Today was the first official day of processing and delivery and the kids loved it.  The big kids welcome the firsties because they remember when they did the same thing.  It is such a memorable experience for these kids.  It shows the firsties that there is a purpose for writing.  

So are you ready for a freebie?  We started the week learning how to write a friendly letter and how to address an envelope.  I created and friendly letter label page for this kids to help them learn the vocabulary associated with friendly letters.
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Here is the label page.  Click the picture to get your free copy.

I also made a new Find, Tally and Graph to go with our post office time.

There you have it.  Froggy mail in a nut shell.  I hope you are have a fabulous week!


  1. Oh my goodness, Renee…That is the cutest idea ever! I am going to have to talk to our kinder and first grade teachers and see if they would be interested in starting this fabulous idea! Our kids would LOVE it! Thanks for sharing.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

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