Vocabulary Planning in your Classroom
We know that teaching vocabulary explicitly is important. But what are some engaging ways to do that? Reading aloud books with rich vocabulary to your students. One problem I have had is knowing what vocabulary words are in the read-alouds I like to use. This is where vocabulary planning sheets come in.

Vocabulary Planning
Over the years of teaching, I have gathered words that I like to teach each year. Oftentimes these words can be found in multiple read-alouds. There is no way I am able to remember which books have the specific words that I want to teach, so I have come up with a system that may help you.
I started a vocabulary binder many years ago where I keep track of words I teach throughout the year.

In this binder, I have put alphabet dividers inside. Next, I fill out a vocabulary planning page for each word I want to teach or save for later. This planning page includes an area to write a kid-friendly definition, synonyms, and antonyms.

As you can see, there is a place to write down books that I find the word in. When I am reading aloud to my class and I find a word in the story that I know is in my vocabulary binder, I add it to the vocabulary page.
When I am planning my vocabulary lessons, I pull out my binder to see what books or activities I have with that particular word. I choose 1-2 books to read interactively with my class.
If a vocabulary planning sheet is something you think you may use, download it here.