Favorite Literacy Professional Development Books
Once summer hits, you can usually find me lounging by our pool with a book in my hand at some point during the day. It is hard for me to find time to read during the school year. In addition to immersing myself in fun novels, I like to pick a book or two that will help me grow as an educator. Since I have been teaching for over twenty years, I have read a lot of books. Here is a round-up of some favorite literacy professional development books.

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Mosaic of Thought: The Power of Strategy Instruction
One of my favorite books packed full of reading comprehension strategies is Mosaic of Thought: The Power of Strategy Instruction by Oliver Keene and Susan Zimmerman. I had to read this book in my credential program over 20 years ago. A couple of years I ago, I went back to school to get my reading certificate. The updated version of this book was a required read when I went back to get my reading certificate. It was great to re-read this book.
The Reading Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Readers
The Reading Strategies Book: Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Readers is written by Jennifer Serravallo. This book is broken down into six goals. Within each goal, there are many strategies for you to use to help achieve that goal. There are many examples of anchor charts that you can make to help teach the strategies. This book is one of those books you will want to be able to access often. One tip I recommend is to bring your book to an office store with a print shop and have it spiral-bound.
A Fresh Look At Phonics
A Fresh Look at Phonics written by Wiley Blevins is a great resource for new and seasoned teachers. There are many activities in this book that will help support your phonics instruction. In addition to the activities provided that help with your phonics instruction, there are common failures that can occur when teaching phonics. Be sure to check this book out!
Think Big With Think Alouds
Think Big With Think Alouds is written by Molly Ness and is a great addition to your professional library. If you are a primary grade teacher, you are aware of the fact that you read aloud books often. This book helps you plan your read-alouds so they are strategic and intentional. Another resource for intentional read-alouds is this blogpost on Interactive Read Alouds.
This is Balanced Literacy
This is Balanced Literacy written by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nancy Akhaven is another great resource to keep on hand in your classroom. One thing that I love about this book is there are QR codes throughout the book that take you to videos that model the strategy they are talking about. Another thing I like about this book is the authors provide whole-group and small-group instruction strategies.

These are some of my favorite literacy professional development books that you will find on my bookshelf. Are there any books that have helped you grow professionally as a reading teacher that are not on this list? Share them in the comments.