Apples in a Basket Math Activity {Freebie}
It’s apple season in our kinder classroom. We are reading apple books, investigating apples, and counting apples! One of the fun apple math activities we do during our apple unit is apples in a basket. You can grab this free activity below.

Apples in a Basket Math Activity
To begin this activity, students had to “pick” five apples from the class apple basket. You can do any amount. Five is the perfect amount for beginning-of-the-year kinders.

After each student picked their five apples, they placed them on their paper. They colored each apple to match their picks.

Next, they cut out the pieces and glued them to their paper. The last thing they did was fill in numbers for each color of their apples.

This activity was great because everyone had different combinations. As a math extension, we shared our results using these sentence frames:
I have more ______________ than _______________.
I have less ______________ than _______________.
I have the same number of ____________ and _____________.
If you are interested in this apple in a basket math activity, download the freebie below.