Tile It!
I am very fortunate to have a mom who loves to scour garage sales for goodies. I can’t stand going to them, but I have a list of things for my mom to keep an eye out for. One of those items on the list are old games, particularly the one with wooden tiles. I love to use the wooden tiles with word work centers.
Tile It!
Each week we learn 5 new sight words (popcorn, star words or whatever you may call them). For some of my kids they can already read them so they have moved ahead and are spelling them. I wanted a tub activity that would help the children read and spell them.
So what the children do is find the letters they need in the popcorn, and place them on the work board. Once they find all of the letters, they take the numbers from the tiles and make addition sentences.
Work Boards
After students have found all of the letters, they write the words down. Next, they make an addition sentence with the letters tiles.
There you have it, reading, writing and math all at one station. This activity required modeling a couple of times with an adult, but after that my students were able to do it independently. Early finishers love to make their name and other challenge words.
I have included letters to print out in case you don’t have wooden tiles. Tile It activities are available in two packs, Tile It Set 1 (Dolch words 1-120) and Tile It Set 2 (Dolch words 101-220) or the Tile It Bundle (both sets). Find them below.