Sight Word Snowball Fight
Where I live in California, we rarely get snow. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t have a fun snowball fight! Sight word snowball fight is a favorite activity we do for review when we return from winter break. You don’t even need real snow!

Sight words are tricky for some kids and I am always looking for fun, hands-on ways to practice them. Fake snowball fights are one way you can practice them!
Sight Word Snowball Fight
There are two ways I have done sight word snowball fights in our class.
The first way is to write sight words onto pieces of white paper and crumple them up.

I play music and give them about 30 seconds to throw ‘snow’ at each other. When the music stops, they stop their snowball fight and pick up a snowball. They read the word and write it onto their recording sheet.

The second way is to use fake pom pom snowballs. When we use fake snowballs, students pick up a snowball and throw it to a sight word written on a sit spot. They read the word they were aiming for, and then write the word down on their recording sheet. If you do not have sit spots, you can write the sight words on tape.
This is such a fun way for kids to review sight words after returning from winter break. The great thing about this activity is that you aren’t limited to sight words. You could also do this with CVC words, word families, or even math problems.
You can grab the free snowball fight recording sheet here.
Have you ever done snowball fights in your classroom? Did you do them in a different way?