Scan It, Solve It, Write It! QR code Scavenger Hunt – May

Do you love QR codes? My students love to go on scavenger hunts with them. Students scan the card to receive the clue to the next card AND a word to write down. If they do the scavenger hunt correctly, they will have a silly sentence written down to illustrate. Check it out, my students love it!



There are 6 scavenger hunts included:

  1. Subtraction from 10 – jellyfish
  2. Addition to 10 – fish
  3. Mixed addition and subtraction to 10 – flower
  4. Subtraction from 20 – lion
  5. Addition to 10 – bug
  6. Mixed addition and subtraction to 18 – giraffe

You can see how these QR scavenger hunts work with this freebieYou can also read about it on the blog.

Looking for more QR code monthly packs? Find them below.

*Or you can find them all in the QR Bundle.

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