Grab and Go Math – Comparing Numbers

Grab and Go Packs are meant to provide extra practice with the math skill listed on this pack. I use these as an earlier finisher activity or an RTI activity. I store my activities in photo cases, but they could also be stored in baggies too.



The Grab and Go activities do not have paper recording sheets. Everything is meant to be be paper free (after initial set-up). There are some activities that students can record onto a laminated piece. If you need to show accountability, have your students take a picture of the finished activity with a device.

This comparing pack reinforces the understanding of less than, greater than or equal to. It includes the following 6 activities:

✓ Less, Greater or Equal?: less than, greater than or equal to using words

✓ Comparing With Symbols: using symbols to compare numbers

✓ Number Order: putting numbers in order from least to greatest and greatest to least

✓ Balanced Equations: finding equal equations

✓ Comparison Sort: putting numbers in the correct less than or greater than category

✓ Problem Solving: word problems


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